Price calculation on request

We will be happy to prepare you price calculation on request according to your project – but we need to know some data. You only need to fill in this demand form because it is the only way how our price will correspond with a situation on your building.


All fields except name of firm, address, additional information and drawings are required

    Contact informations

    First name and surname (required)

    Telephone (required)

    E-mail (required)



    Data’s for counting

    Diameter of light tube

    Number of light tubes

    Type roof

    Distance between roof and ceiling

    Type of roof

    Width of room in metres

    Length of room in metres

    Height of room in metres

    Type of illuminated area

    Supplements to light tubes

    Beam for energy saving bulb

    Thermal insulation of the tube

    Adjustment for low energy hous (double glass for light tube)


    We recommend professional installation of light tubes. Our company have knowlidges and experiances with installation on montage of light tubes (over 10 years).

    Address of montage (in case you require montage)

    Additional informations


    You can attach drawings and other documents (max. size 2 MB)

    Personal data processing